About me.


I am Cyberbatman, a.k.a. gh0$t.

Above are my 2 public aliases, I go by many more aliases in the Darknet and E-Sports world.

I am a Software Engineer working on Web Technologies. I enjoy animes-videogames-tea-globetrotting-privacy.

Outside work, I love to do R&D on Cybersecurity concepts, Social Media Bots, etc., which I maintain in my GitHub repository https://github.com/g-h-0-S-t.

I was an Anonymous Hacktivist (2008-2021) who created Nuke & αποκάλυψη DoS Tools to tango down several pedo & terrorist services.

As a child, I got influenced by DC comics and cartoons on Batman, and hence my digital alter ego, Cyberbatman. My hactivism phase started during my college days. Lack of study materials for my Bachelor’s Degree on Electrical & Electronics Engineering led me to obtain the educational resources in many creative ways, one of which was brute-forcing educational sites that had premium educational materials behind paywalls, cracking password protected files, and making premium study materials freely available to students on well known file sharing services, physical storage drives, hard-copies, etc.

The next phase of my hacktivism geared up during terrorist attacks around the world. This involved scouting / OSINT-ing / DOXX-ing social media & public websites, and getting terror cells / orgs related accounts banned or their servers tango downed.

The last phase, before I moved away from active hacktivism, was targetting Pedo Networks on clearnet & darknet, Telegram, WhatsApp, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc. In later stages, I got invloved with YAC and operated as an article translator.

I retired from active Hacktivism on 13th of November, 2021.

Currently, I am working as a Senior Software Engineer in an MNC.

Tech Stacks


Vue2, ES6, HTML5, CSS3, SCSS/SASS, etc.


Node, Express, Python, LESS, D3, NVD3, Highcharts, Shell & Batch Scripts, Angular, React, Bootstrap, Vuetify, RWD, a11y, performance tuning, security assessment, etc.

Learning @ work

PKCE, MSAL, SSO → Forgerock Authentication → Authorization → Access Token workflow implementation, Micro Frontends, TypeScript, Golang, Akamai, Docker, containerization, Azure, etc.

Learning @ home

1) Cloud Development / Remote Development using :

2) NFTs

What I ♡

  • Vanilla JavaScript, JSON, Python-Selenium Browser Automations, Vanilla JavaScript Automations.
  • I ♡ to play around with stuffs like JS Bookmarks on Chrome.
  • Favourite IDEs → Visual Studio Code, IntelliJ IDEA, WebStorm, NetBeans, Eclipse, Vim, Sublime Text, Notepad++, Atom, Brackets, DroidEdit, etc.
  • Favourite VCSs → Git, GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket, SVN, TFS, etc.
  • Favourite Package Manager → Chocolatey, Homebrew, NPM, Yarn, APT, Pacman, Snapcraft, etc.
  • Favourite Shell → Oh-My-Zsh
  • Favourite OSs, OS Wrappers, VMs, etc. → Windows, Macintosh, Ubuntu, Lubuntu, Garuda, Kali, Samsung DeX, flavours of both Debian & Arch Linux, Android, WHONIX, Tails, Qubes, etc.
  • Favourite Terminals → iTerm, HyperTerminal, Termius, Termux, iSH, Babun, Mintty, etc.
  • Favourite Android Emulators → BlueStacks, GameLoop, etc.
  • Favourite browsers → TOR & flavours of TOR for anonimity, iOS Safari, Chrome & Firefox for Dev activities, etc.
  • Favourite messenger → Signal
  • Favourite VPNs → Express, Proton, etc.
  • I ♡ doing naughty stuffs with CSS3 animations and troll around with it.
  • Also, I ♡ introducing others to coding.


Feb – March 2022

On February 24, 2022, Kremlin attacked / invaded / initiated Special Military Ops in (as the Kremlin likes to say, they don’t like the ‘attacked’ & ‘invaded’ words) Ukraine. #Anonymous is waging a Cyberwarfare against the Kremlin. My personal view is to stay neutral, but I am assisting in our #FckPutin & #OpRussia operations in whatever capacity I can.

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